We are all surrounded by energetic fields. These etheric bodies hold all the imprints of our emotional, mental and karmic processes. By scanning these fields, it is possible to see the journey of our soul, our blind spots and the mastery acquired on our journey.
During a session, Meir uses Soul Scanning and tunes into your energetic fields to see what is happening at that particular moment in time. After scanning the energetic fields, he uses the modalities explained below (InnerSpeak, Seven Gateways, Cosmic Energy, Sacred Activations) to address the issues.
Together with his spiritual guides, he holds a safe and supportive space for the client to shift his/her own energy. During a session, he helps the client remember who they are and use their own power to access a higher level of consciousness. Sometimes the spiritual guides deliver specific messages to support the journey and Meir conveys these to the client.